BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WIAT) — Monday marked the first day of school for Birmingham City Schools and authorities are reminding those who drive in school zones to be vigilant.
“We want to make sure that we allow ourselves enough time to slow down a little bit, pay attention and to be aware," Senior Trooper Vu Quang with the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA) said.
Parents at Glen Iris Elementary School are pleading with other drivers to be cautious when behind the wheel in the area.
“Drive like your babies are here,” Shelley Murillo said.
“Leave as early as possible and slow down when you’re in the school zones," Senora Smith said.
“Watch where you’re going, and if you can, just find a different route instead of the car pool line route,” LaToya Madden added.
While there are no flashing lights, plenty of signage indicates the area as a school zone. CBS 42's crew noticed a typo in the hours, as it should state that the school zone hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. This has been reported to the city.
Trooper Quang explained the importance of navigating a school zone intersection.
"When we make that turn in, we want to make sure that we yield to any pedestrians as they’re crossing the crosswalks,” he said.
He added that it's also important to yield to other vehicles stopped for pedestrians.
”Some of these kids are wanting to say bye to parents,” he said. "They’re going to dart across the road, so we have to be alert and aware.”
When it comes to school buses, traffic from both directions is required by law to stop for school buses. Divided highways are the exception -- vehicles behind and beside a bus must stop -- while vehicles traveling in the opposite direction may proceed with caution.
Trooper Quang noted that a good rule of thumb is to stay 20 feet back from behind a school bus.
A parent voiced concerns about the school pick-up line snaking out into the street and the danger it poses with kids trying to climb into vehicles streetside. Motorists driving through the school zone are urged to do so with caution.