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First responders feel impact of summertime blood shortage


BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WIAT) - The Red Cross held its annual Homerun Hero Blood Drive Tuesday night at Regions Field. The Red Cross says its goal was to collect 63 pints of blood.

Blood donors are needed year-round, but when schools are out for the summer and people are on vacation it can lead to a shortage in the blood supply, which some first responders say is when blood is most needed.

Shelby County first responders said they’ve felt the impacts of the summer blood shortage.

"In the last couple of weeks, our blood orders have been delayed anywhere from two days up to five days,” Southeast Shelby County Recue Deputy Chief Matthew Rush said.

Four fire departments in Shelby County keep blood units on hand to use when they respond. This is the program’s first year, so it’s having to adjust when orders are delayed and blood supply gets tight.

"We’ll try to go to where we have one unit at each site, so we’re still covering the county the best we can. So, we still have that regional asset but then if we use one of those units, that site is done,” Rush said.

The Red Cross says Alabama’s blood supply is okay right now, but it’s tricky since blood is perishable and has to be constantly restocked for the supply to stay stable.

"It helps so much to be able to know that these people are giving and will supply so many people across Alabama and across the US, so yeah, it’s vital,” Red Cross account manager JoJo Burnett said.

Some blood donors said even if people can just get out and give blood once it’s helpful, but being able to turn it into a consistent habit is key.

“I recognize the importance for black people, our blood saves lives. People impacted by sickle cell but just in general, recognizing that there’s always a shortage and, because I have a universal blood type, I can always donate,” blood donor Shameika Moment said.

“I mean I had a brother that had Leukemia, so it’s always been something that’s been important," Raymond Browne, who has donated over 8 gallons of blood, said. "My mother used to volunteer at the Red Cross, siblings have always given and I’m in the healthcare field so it’s important to have blood available.”

To find a blood drive near you, go to the Red Cross website HERE.

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